La novedad del cine mexicano

La novedad del cine mexicano - Jorge Ayala Blanco - ENAC
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Soft cover

The fourteenth installment of the famous alphabet of Mexican cinema, preceded by The adventure / search / condition / dissolvence / effectiveness / transience / greatness / heretical / illusion / fairness / khátarsis / lucidity / maturity of Mexican cinema, presents exclusively unpublished material from the ongoing research of the film critic with the greatest trajectory in our country. The creative and expressive use of language is one of the distinctive accents of the unmistakable prose with which Ayala Blanco meticulously weaves the panorama of Mexican cinema through the analysis, film by film, of almost a hundred works produced between 2013 and 2016. As in the previous volumes of the series, the texts are configured around a common thread, the concept that gives the book its title, and the sections organize the material according to the character of its directors.


Book: La novedad del cine mexicano

ISBN: 9786073004558