La repetición

Temor y temblor Escritos 4/1

La repetición - Søren Kierkegaard - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
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Weight: 300 g

The two writings gathered here, published the same day of 1843 with different pseudonyms, are a finished expression of the literary and philosophical genius of Kierkegaard.
The repetition, signed by Constantino Constantius, gives an account of the attempt alluded to in its subtitle: "An essay in experimental psychology." Through the narrative form, the idea is that the concept comes into existence through the link between "an individuality" and "a situation". The narrator, wrapped up in his own vicissitude of returning to Berlin to determine if repetition is really possible, exposes and analyzes the story of a young man in love with a girl, a probable echo of Kierkegaard's own relationship with Regine Olsen.
Fear and tremor, which receives its title from the Pauline phrase, is signed by Johannes de silentio, a pseudonym that provides the key to the work: the silence of more


Book: La repetición

ISBN: 9788498797169
Precio de lista: $855.00
Descuento: 25%