This book wants to be a broad commentary to The Tao Books. Without pretensions of manual, neither practical nor theoretical, but a mere and modest exhibition, a series of reflections around the teachings of Lao tse, the Elder Master, to share with other pilgrim seekers of the mental universe. Those interested can choose the method or the art of putting them into practice, if they have not already found it. They are addressed to believers (in God, in single matter, in science, in money, in the media, in networks, in themselves ...) and to those who do not believe absolutely in anything. To the latter, serve as relief and solace. Silk Road, Route of silence. That of the Chinese of yesteryear, those who exported ideas, those who spread morals; those who respected neighboring towns. Silence, cry of freedom. The Tao books are a song of freedom and the dignity of the individual. The Elder M...read more