La sangre del cielo

La sangre del cielo - Piotr Rawicz - Vanilla Planifolia
Publisher name: 
Vanilla Planifolia

"This book is not a historical document," says Piotr Rawicz about his only novel. 'The events reported could arise anywhere and at any time in the soul of any man, planet, mineral,' insists the author who nevertheless shares with the protagonist the experience of Nazi persecution during World War II. The story is constructed from an autobiographical manuscript that a narrator comments with an interlocutor (indefinite) in a postwar Paris cafe. The action alone could be the axis of a violent and well-nourished police plot, unfathomable scenes, intelligent dialogues, original characters that take up traces of legends and tales of the Jewish tradition.


Book: La sangre del cielo

ISBN: 9786079663629
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 20%