La secularización de la filosofía

Hermenéutica y posmodernidad

La secularización de la filosofía - Gianni Vattimo - Gedisa
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The decline of the great metaphysical systems, with its claims to still deliver ultimate foundations and unchanging, has opened a process of final secularization of philosophy that began with Nietzsche and Heidegger and that further radicalized by historical disasters of the twentieth century. What tasks will still remain philosophy today, after losing their privileged place? The end of philosophy, of which so much is said, does mean that your task is only legitimate historical research of ideas?  In recent years, a remote philosophy of any final and apodictic certainty has proposed a vigorous replateamiento many issues that skepticism and relativism seem to have become taboo, like truth, understanding of existence and history among others.  This volume contains reflections on philosophy, instead looking to the past and the future and its tasks in this, from very different positions more


Book: La secularización de la filosofía

ISBN: 9788474324440
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 20%