La tierra en llamas V

Sajones, Vikingos y Normandos V

La tierra en llamas V - Bernard Cornwell - Edhasa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

England, 9th century. The health of Alfred of Wessex, the heir to the crown, a young man lacking experience, and the Vikings, who have so many times seen their aspirations to conquer Wessex frustrated, believe the time has come to attack. Uhtred, Alfred's warlord, despite himself, sets a trap for the enemy and, at Farnham, inflicts one of the worst defeats on the Vikings. But after victory, Uhtred will have to face both a family tragedy and the attacks of Alfred's henchmen, suspicious of his popularity and the treatment that the monarch dispenses to a pagan. Uhtred breaks up with Alfred, breaks his oath of loyalty, and returns, once again a Viking. Will they somehow get him to fight alongside the Saxons again?


Book: La tierra en llamas V

ISBN: 9788435020008
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 10%