La tiranía sin tiranos

La tiranía sin tiranos - David Trueba - Anagrama
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

The novelist and filmmaker reflects on the consequences of living in a dangerously individualistic society.

Never has the world experienced so much progress, never has there been so much hope for life, solidarity and tenderness. If we are surprised by the abandonment that affects a part of the population, we attribute it to the unmanageable size of the planet. But even the most well-off existences deteriorate amid signs of growing individualism. This book asks how much of all this responds to the inertia of the times and how much it satisfies a business design that is alien to the collective interest.

«David Trueba delves into the shortcomings of our society and questions how many of its ills are attributable to ourselves. And there are many." (Miguel Cano, El Mundo – El Cultural)


Book: La tiranía sin tiranos

ISBN: 9788433916204
Precio de lista: $215.00
Descuento: 10%