La tolerancia

Una pequeña virtud imprescindible para la democracia. Panorama histórica y problemas actuales

La tolerancia - Iring Fetscher - Gedisa
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

"I believe that this hostility arises, first of all, from the questioning of the peculiarities themselves, raised by these "divergences". That was also - if the reasons for the political bodies are left out - the cause of religious intolerance. Because religious faith is not based on obvious reasons, acceptable to anyone, such as euclidean geometry. Rather, it is a deep belief in revealed principles, without more concrete reaffirmation than the communion of believers. For this reason, the existence of people and communities that do not share these beliefs creates a notorious insecurity. The more uncertain and unsafe faith itself, the greater the need to set aside those uncomfortable witnesses that you can also live in another way, that you can find support in other beliefs. And then heterodoxes are driven away, at least, forced to practice their creed privately and disappear from more


Book: La tolerancia

ISBN: 9788474324904
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 20%