La voluntad de poder como amor

La voluntad de poder como amor - Manuel Barrios Casares - Arena libros
Publisher name: 
Arena libros
Year of publication: 
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To say that we inhabit a world without gods, twilight, do not like someone waiting for the dawn of the advent of other deities, or, on the contrary, as one who expects nothing. It is true that we often think that nothing happens. No God descends to walk the streets of our modernity ashen and somewhat wilted. We live most of the time in the belief that we are at an impasse, waiting for it to arrive life, that life is elsewhere. The wait time lengthens and bored.

We think that nothing happens, that is, anything that does not happen, we still installed in nihilism; they should reach the heroes or supermen order to rid us of this murky time without enthusiasm. But no one so will come. If there is a way to go, this is not going towards a future, beatific and reconciliatory solution, but by the effective dissolution of the opacity of our soil and our time. Unseasonable this work, more


Book: La voluntad de poder como amor

ISBN: 9788495897473