Las mentiras científicas sobre las mujeres

Las mentiras científicas sobre las mujeres -  AA.VV. - Catarata
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Soft cover

Throughout the history of science, women have been the subject of claims, hypotheses and theories that have led to very serious errors, justifying their subordinate status and invisiting, hiding and inventing issues related to their body and health. Moreover, there is hardly an imaginary that recognizes women as subjects of scientific knowledge and female or "human" "nature" have been represented from the masculine. The question is whether the "sex" or "race" of the research subject is relevant to knowledge or, rather, whether diversity and democracy in a scientific community influence better ways of doing science, more objective and socially just. We know that the presence of women in science is not a sufficient condition for better science, although it is necessary, because when it is done from the point of view of groups excluded from the scientific community, many fields of more


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Book: Las mentiras científicas sobre las mujeres

ISBN: 9788490972656
Precio de lista: $750.00
Descuento: 25%