Las moscas del capital

Las moscas del capital - Paolo Volponi - Sexto Piso
Publisher name: 
Sexto Piso
Year of publication: 
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Bruto Saraccini (transcribed novel by Paolo Volponi) wants to promote a democratic and humanist reform in MFM, the company in which he works, but he will soon discover that his innovative proposals for change do not give rise precisely to the enthusiastic adherence of anyone, let alone the Own president of the company, Ciro Nasápeti, or other managers, more concerned with profits than social justice. Thus, Saraccini will be immersed in an endless race of obstacles to nowhere. Disenchanted and Prophetic Satire, Capital Flies, the last novel Paolo Volponi wrote (published in 1989, five years before his death), is a dramatic personal account of its author (who was chief of staff and business relations in Olivetti , And then, for a short period of time, worked for FIAT), as well as the allegory of a world in vertiginous transformation, a world that is directed to that paradigm shift that more


Book: Las moscas del capital

ISBN: 9788416358168
Precio de lista: $330.00
Descuento: 15%