Las tres dimensiones de la libertad

Las tres dimensiones de la libertad - Billy Bragg - Anagrama
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

An essay that helps us reformulate the basic idea of freedom in the midst of the web of globalization and fake news.

In this turbulent and complex time, in which financial capitalism, armed with fake news, authoritarianism and neoliberalism, threatens to invade the most intimate areas of the citizen and redefine our lives, Billy Bragg points out the three pillars on which freedom should be built so that this is not a mere empty shell: candor, equality and responsibility. To protect ourselves from the emergence of tyranny, we must go beyond a one-dimensional idea of what freedom means, capable of restoring the individual power engendered by its three dimensions.

"It forcefully destroys the myth of the current false freedom that neoliberalism offers us" (Bernie Mayall).


Book: Las tres dimensiones de la libertad

ISBN: 9788433916372
Precio de lista: $215.00
Descuento: 10%