Lejos del Tíbet

Su vida y pensamiento explicados a María Teresa Pous

Lejos del Tíbet -  AA.VV. - Kairós
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Book size:
Soft cover

This is the fascinating account of the life of the venerable Lama Thubten Wangchen. It begins with his flight from his hometown in Tibet, and continues with the dangerous journey through the mountains, his time as a beggar and street child in Kathmandu, his studies and spiritual life in the personal monastery of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala (India)… until the opening of the House of Tibet in Barcelona. Since then he has not ceased in his activity to spread Tibetan culture and give a voice to the Tibetan Government in Exile.

The account of his life also takes us into the terrifying effects of the Chinese invasion of Tibet (destruction of temples, expulsion and flight of thousands of Tibetans, the aggression against Tibetan culture, etc.). At the same time, the text is an entertaining invitation to delve deeper into some essential aspects of Buddhist philosophy and practice, with...read more


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Book: Lejos del Tíbet

ISBN: 9788499886497