Leonardo da Vinci

El gran hombre del Renacimiento

Leonardo da Vinci - Javier Alonso López - Shackleton
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Hard cover

Dream giant just like Leonardo, the great genius of the Renaissance, did.
When he was little and they asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he didn't know what to answer, because he was interested in everything. Most people know him as a painter, although in reality he was also an inventor, scientist, engineer, architect, philosopher, writer... But the important thing is not only that he did many different things, but that he always tried to do them in a way that no one else ever did. He would have tried before, and thus, turn everything he imagined into reality. His ideas were so visionary that many of his inventions ended up coming true centuries later.

Category: All >> Childish

Book: Leonardo da Vinci

ISBN: 9788417822071
Precio de lista: $249.00
Descuento: 10%