Libro del Té

Libro del Té - Okakura Kakuzo - Kairós
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Book size:
Soft cover

Translation of Ángel Samblancat

The Tea Book is a modern text that can already be considered a modern classic. Without easy passions or sentimentality, the differences between the mentality of East and West are pointed out with delicacy and precision; the origins, aesthetic ideals, influence of religion and Taoist philosophy are analyzed, everything that converges in the tea ceremony and makes it both an art and a cult.

It explains the importance of floral arrangements, the distribution of spaces, that unusual balance between grace and serenity, between the present and the suggested, each and every one of the fundamental values that cultivate and perpetuate even today, in each of their gestures, the great masters of Tea.

Coming from a text originally written in clear and elegant English, the version of The Tea Book by Ángel Samblancat makes this edition a more


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Libro del Té

ISBN: 9788472452367
Precio de lista: $240.00
Descuento: 15%