Lo Posmoderno

Pasado y Presente

Lo Posmoderno - Renato Barilli - Casimiro
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The postmodern is a long-term phenomenon, whose different stages, interrupted or slowed down by the resurgence of the modern, can be articulated with temporal criteria, similar to the phases through which the day or the year passes. Thus, there would be a dawn or spring of the postmodern, between the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century (with Goya, Füssli or William Blake as prominent artists); a midday or summer, which corresponds to the artistic avant-gardes of the early twentieth century (Gauguin, Seurat, Picasso ...) and, finally, the current and prolonged autumn, or evening, phase of expansion of the postmodern to the different cultures of the planet.


Book: Lo Posmoderno

ISBN: 9788416868360
Precio de lista: $360.00
Descuento: 25%