Lo que había tras los velos

De la oscuridad a la luz, un itinerario personal

Lo que había tras los velos - Elena Almirall Arnal - Olañeta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

The spiritual journey described in this book is the traditional journey of the soul in search of itself. After the forced step of crossing the desert, descent into hell or dark night of the soul, the traveler will end finally reaching its destination, guided by the light of the classic know yourself.

What was behind the veils is the story of an inner journey. A journey of discovery. A journey in which, step by step, removing the veils are hindering the world's knowledge that ultimately turns out to be nothing but the knowledge of self. Dark, doors, labyrinths, dreams, wise, visions, light and shadow. Moments such intimate and collective. Stages of a journey as personal as universal. Almirall Elena Arnal (Barcelona, ​​1967) graduated in History, professor at the Institute of Hispanic Studies at the University of Barcelona and works as an editor in several companies and media. Hi...read more

Category: All >> Spirituality

Book: Lo que había tras los velos

ISBN: 9788497168885
Precio de lista: $325.00
Descuento: 25%