Joan- Carles Mèlich this work continues in philosophical reflection on the human condition that has previously developed in philosophy of finitude and Ethics of compassion , focusing now on morale. Unlike ethics, which is the answer we give to the appeal of the other in an unpredictable situation , morality is a metaphysics that governs our daily lives, tells us who we are, if we do is normal, if what we think is perverse or if our life has value. This is a set of categories , frameworks , standards and procedures based on absolute and indubitable principles.
The moral logic organizes our way of being in the world and protects those who are under their "scope of immunity" , but at the same time, ignores and despises those who are not considered people , who have no dignity. To these can be deleted without guilt. Therefore, in all moral logic operates cruelty .
" The inte...read more