Los Caprichos de Occidente

Los Caprichos de Occidente - Jorge Juanes - Quinto Sol
Publisher name: 
Quinto Sol
Year of publication: 
Book size:

Jorge Juanes writes in it. prologue to this second edition (2016), corrected and augmented, of Los caprichos de Occidente, which has not ceased to worry about the persistence of individuals who, after laying down their singularity in the name of universal man, pretend to be a guideline of the world, thus fulfilling mandate of the metaphysics of subjectivity that determines, catastrophically, the destiny of modern times. Reflections like the previous one backbone Los caprichos and invite the reader to question the impositions of Western civilization and to rethink the supposed neutrality that science and technology defend tooth and nail, contributing to the devastation of the world. Juanes concludes that logocentric-technical and capitalist modernity refuses to see itself as the cause of the unreason that presides over the world.


Book: Los Caprichos de Occidente

ISBN: 9786077750840
Precio de lista: $330.00
Descuento: 15%