Los Diáconos y la Iglesia

Conexiones entre lo antiguo y lo nuevo

Los Diáconos y la Iglesia - John N.  Collins - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 355 g

Is the deacon a minister appropriate for today?_x000D_
This work has implications for the whole Church, since it raises questions that go beyond the diaconate and affect the nature of the Church, its ministry and the Church makes use of the Scriptures._x000D_
The great abundance of modern publications about the ministry has paid little attention to the proposals that were proliferating on the role of deacons. Instead of clarifying the broad issues about the ministry, this shift of interest has not done more than raise new issues. Investigations have been moved to areas in which collaborative ministries of various kinds are increasingly attracting men and women, especially women who wish to hold public office in the churches._x000D_
These two currents, the diaconal ministry and lay ministry have turbulently agitated waters, which are born...read more

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Book: Los Diáconos y la Iglesia

ISBN: 842542335X
Precio de lista: $525.00
Descuento: 30%