Los jugadores de ajedrez y otros cuentos de la india

Los jugadores de ajedrez y otros cuentos de la india -  Premchand - Olañeta
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Soft cover

Premchand (1880–1936), regarded as the father of modern Hindi literature, is a well-known writer in northern India. He wrote 14 novels and 300 short stories, three of which is presented here in direct translation of Hindi: Chess Players, a critique of a decaying society, is located in the kingdom of Awadh during the beginning of English colonization was adapted into film by the famous Satyajit Ray. The Sudario and The Path of Liberation are vivid rural paintings full of universal resonances.


Book: Los jugadores de ajedrez y otros cuentos de la india

ISBN: 9788497166256
Precio de lista: $310.00
Descuento: 25%