
Lulu - Mircea Cărtărescu - Impedimenta
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Mircea Cărtărescu, eternal candidate to be the first Nobel prize winner in Romanian language, is considered one of the great European narrators of the present time.
In Lulu (1994, Prize of the Union of Romanian Writers, ASPRO Prize), Cartarescu displays his version of the figure of the adolescent artist in the person of Victor, an asocial writer and tortured that seems taken from a work of Proust, and that lives Obsessed with Lulu, one of his high school classmates who, disguised as a woman and taking advantage of the closing party of a summer camp in 1973, forces him into sexual contact. Reclaimed in a Carpathian village, and already become a successful writer, Victor tries to exorcize through writing to the monsters that devour his soul. The play of the double-reincarnated in Victor, the writer faced with his "twin sister", the amputated girl, with a long tradition in modern more


Book: Lulu

ISBN: 9788415130192
Precio de lista: $415.00
Descuento: 10%