Mircea Cărtărescu is a Romanian poet, narrator and literary critic. It is considered by the literary critic the most important Romanian narrator of the present time.
In fact, Cărtărescu, a writer who enjoys great predicament both inside and outside the borders of Romania, is one of the most important theorists of Romanian postmodernism. From his poetic work, which he cultivated throughout the eighties, he emphasizes El Levante (1990, Prize of the Union of Romanian Writers), which Impedimenta recovered in 2015 in a version specially prepared by the author. Cărtărescu made the leap to the narrative with the volume of short stories Nostalgia (1993, Impedimenta, 2012, Prize of the Romanian Academy), that opens with its celebrated story "The Ruletist" (published independently by Impedimenta in 2010). He followed Lulu (1994; Impedimenta, 2011), tortuous and brilliant novel that investigates in the mystery of the double, and that earned him the ASPRO Prize. His project Cegador (1996-2007), a cryptic trilogy that takes the form of a butterfly, will be recovered soon by Impedimenta in direct translation of Romanian. In 2015 he published the novel Solenoid, considered his most mature work to date. He has recently published the volume of short stories "Las Bellas Extranjeras" (2010, Impedimenta, 2013, Euskadi de la Plata de Narrativa), a grotesque satire that narrates genuinely Romanian but also cosmopolitan literary life sequences and has become An authentic sales success in his country, as well as The Brown Eye of Our Love (2012; Impedimenta, 2016), a volume of autobiographical stories that serves as a nexus to understand the whole of his work. His texts have been translated into English, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, Bulgarian and Hungarian. He is the most respected Romanian author abroad, and some consider that he could be the first writer in Romanian language to obtain the Nobel Prize of Literature.