Written by Larry Mitchell and illustrated by Ned Asta, Faggots and Their Friends Between Revolutions is a cult, utopian, and queer text, originally published by Calamus Press in 1977. A mixture of fable and manifesto, the text places us in Ramrod, an empire in decline where we will meet the different communities of queers, women, queens, queer men and women who love other women, and their ways of surviving in the face of white men and the world they have created. With an enthusiastic reception that has lasted for more than four decades, this book offers an incisive critique of capitalism, assimilation, and patriarchy that remains deeply relevant today.
This first publication in Spanish comes forty-four years after the original in English and recalls the potential of the text at a crucial moment for the struggles against gender normativity and movements for sexual dissidence. Thi...read more