Márquetin y archivos

Propuestas para una aplicación del márquetin en los archivos

Márquetin y archivos - Antoni Torres Rosell - Trea
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Despite the interest and the potential that raises the márquetin in the archival environment, there are few studies that address with a minimum width and depth of engagement of the two disciplines, as well as the possibilities for files can offer márquetin in current information society. Ż C hat are you inspiring the márquetin principles? What tools do you use? How are strung together to produce positive results for the organization? What parts of márquetin may be applicable in the files? How do I get it? Using an entertaining, yet rigorous time with márquetin fundamentals, is to introduce the reader to the philosophy and processes and techniques applied; necessary to raise and then propose possible correlations and lines of work in which the author considers the márquetin can be a tool for better management of the files elements.


Book: Márquetin y archivos

ISBN: 9788497042185
Precio de lista: $585.00
Descuento: 25%