Matilde de Magdeburgo

Poeta, beguina, mística

Matilde de Magdeburgo - Hildegund Keul - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 185 g
Rustic with flaps

This biography of Matilde of Magdeburg is a play about mysticism in times of change. It weaves together a journey that clearly and strictly historical, literary and spiritual aspects of life of this mystic and poet of the thirteenth century is traced. His life was spent in a time of change: born in 1207, left the castle and its noble origin to face, in the bustling market town of Magdeburg, the challenges of their time. He lived much of his life as a Beguine, helping the poor and homeless. Finally, he pursued by some Church leaders, entered the monastery of Helfta where her sisters conviertió for a teacher of mysticism.

With his book Light flowing of divinity, also published in Herder Editorial, Matilde makes its voice heard on pressing issues that have to do with God, religion, eroticism and poetry, poverty and spirituality.

Category: All >> Religion >> Christianity

Book: Matilde de Magdeburgo

ISBN: 9788425434150
Precio de lista: $680.00
Descuento: 30%