Meditación de la técnica

Ensimismamiento y alteración

Meditación de la técnica -  AA.VV. - Biblioteca Nueva
Publisher name: 
Biblioteca Nueva
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 276 g
Soft cover

The work of José Ortega y Gasset reveals a circumstantial thought that weaves together themes and concerns of various kinds and character in the complex theoretical and methodological framework of "vital reason". In his philosophical style, the expressive force of the sentence is animated by an insoluble tension between the metaphor and the concept. That tension is Ortega and in it lies the greatest value of his legacy as the main contribution to the construction of the Hispanic space for reflection. Meditation of the technique is a clear example of Ortega's philosophical work, always attentive to the real problems of contemporary man and ready to denounce the falsehoods of culturalism.


Book: Meditación de la técnica

ISBN: 9788416345434
Precio de lista: $298.00
Descuento: 20%