Considered one of the most brilliant chroniclers in the Spanish language, the Colombian Alberto Salcedo Ramos gathers in Viaje al Macondo Real and other chronicles, with his own hand and the total complicity of his editors, his most celebrated stories. In a world in which omnipresent ideologies regulate the relationship between human beings, Salcedo Ramos bets on "listening to the word" as a method of understanding and as a way to strengthen coexistence. Their stories of losers, buffoons, forgotten, unrepeatable beings give us an invaluable experience: the possibility of entering into a friendly and close conversation that puts us in the shoes of others who, although they are far away, after this reading will be by our side forever. Boxers of thousand coats, joke counters at wakes, indigenous "palabreros", furtive accordionists, soccer players and improbable referees, believing busine...read more