What I wish? What policy? What therapeutic practice? In short, what way of life? These are the questions that are presented endlessly in this book in which at no time the circle of answers is closed in a conceptual box separated from situations. On horseback of the movements that shook the 1980s across the planet, Guattari and Rolnik embark on an adventure that resembles the discovery of a new continent: a politics of singularities. Thus, free radios, the Poland of 1980-1982, the first gay and lesbian movements, the Brazil of the end of the dictatorship, the antipsychiatry intersect with concepts already approved by Deleuze and Guattari in Thousand Plateaus: desire, micropolitics, molar / molecular, schizoanalysis. The result is a surprising book that speaks at the same time of political practices and discursive diagrams that can enhance them, unified in the unique process of their en...read more