Mujeres en la mira

Violencia simbólica, desobediencia y creación

Mujeres en la mira - Marta Fernández Boccardo - Topía editorial
Publisher name: 
Topía editorial
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

This book is dedicated to women. To those who suffered and continue to suffer violence. Stories of women who come hand in hand with our ancestors

The author tells us that "this book is dedicated to women. To those who suffered and continue to suffer violence. There are so many stories that they could not enter these pages. I was only able to rescue a few, very few. Stories of women who come from the hand of our ancestors. Some – such as the pioneering psychoanalysts – suffered all kinds of violence. For holding revolutionary ideas for their time, for being women and breaking molds. Also because they were women who produced theory and opened new symbolic spaces, they were destined to be forgotten, and in many cases, appropriation and theft. Many of them were women of Jewish origin, which is why they suffered the cruelties and persecution of Nazism that was sweeping Europe at more


Book: Mujeres en la mira

ISBN: 9789874025791