Mujeres que ya no sufren por amor

Transformando el mito romántico

Mujeres que ya no sufren por amor - Coral Herrera Gómez - Catarata
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 200 g
Soft cover

What if we banish, once and for all, Prince Charming from our lives, or rather, from our dreams? At this moment, women all over the world suffer for love, dreaming of a model of a man that does not exist, with an ideal partner as a lifeline. Thanks to the education received, to society, to fairy tales, to Hollywood movies, to religious heritage, to a very long etcetera... they have managed to get us addicted to the drug of love, to the romantic miracle, to the satisfaction of that single utopia. All these stories seem innocent, but in reality they are not. As Coral Herrera affirms, it is convenient for the patriarchy that we remain chained to this illusion, because as long as we embrace it, we will remain weak and we will not turn our gaze towards what truly matters: that united women, empowered in search of the common good, can be Very dangerous for the system. This book is an more


Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Género

Book: Mujeres que ya no sufren por amor

ISBN: 9788490974629
Precio de lista: $525.00
Descuento: 25%