Multitudes inteligentes

Las redes sociales y las posibilidades de las tecnologías de cooperación

Multitudes inteligentes - Howard Rheingold - Gedisa
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Soft cover

The intelligent crowd emerges when communication technologies expand human talents of cooperation. Perhaps their most popular recent expression is social media, but the internet, the network of networks, must be counted among them, not even to mention that there are even space programs that benefit from the participation of hundreds of volunteer collaborators. The impacts of the technology that defines the intelligent multitude can be both beneficial and destructive: with their help, governments have already fallen, subcultures of young people have spread from Asia to Scandinavia, new industries have been born, and the old ones have launched furious counterattacks. People who are part of the intelligent crowd cooperate in ways that have never been possible before because they carry devices that have at the same time communication and computing properties. Media cartels and government more


Book: Multitudes inteligentes

ISBN: 9788497840620
Precio de lista: $590.00
Descuento: 20%