Neruda. The biography of a poet

Neruda. The biography of a poet - Mark Eisner - Harper Colins
Publisher name: 
Harper Colins
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

A compelling biographical portrait of one of the most fascinating and influential figures in Latin American history, Pablo Neruda. Few poets have captured the world imagination like Pablo Neruda. In his native Chile, as in all of Latin America and in many other parts of the world, his name and legacy have become almost synonymous with liberation movements, and with the language of erotic love. This book is the product of years of silent research by Mark Eisner, documentary writer, translator and director. The book vividly describes his life, intense prose, and fervent beliefs in the "poet's obligation" to use poetry for the social good. It combines three main factors in Neruda's life: his world-acclaimed poetry; your political participation; and his tumultuous and even controversial personal life; forming a coherent narrative of intimacy and spaciousness. The fascinating events in more


Book: Neruda. The biography of a poet

ISBN: 9780062694218