Ciencia del bien y del mal

Ciencia del bien y del mal - Javier  Echeverría - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Weight: 770 g

There are goods and evils of physical, mental, economic, social, ecological, political, legal, military, religious and moral. Most are human-specific and others are common to the various animals and living things. Thus, science, technology and the arts also generate their own goods and evils. This book affirms the possibility of knowledge of good and evil that takes into account the plurality and ethical issues faced by going beyond ethics. The good and evil depend on the values like the virtues and vices. The knowledge of good and evil is an axiology that applies to various types and systems of values and can be investigated in the private and public, but also in the biosphere, literature and medicine. This book is not part of the far right of the Idea of Good, but evil. Evil is pervasive, ubiquitous and diverse while the good is scarce. There are individual ills, also collective. more


Book: Ciencia del bien y del mal

ISBN: 8425425073
Precio de lista: $1,330.00
Descuento: 30%