Spring of '67. America is on fire, rocked by race riots and protests against the Vietnam War. In New York, several musicians related to the "new thing", the free jazz of Albert Ayler, Archie Shepp or Bill Dixon, appeared
They are dead in strange and violent circumstances. In the Black Power ghettos there is talk of a murderer called The Son of Whiteman. Really exist? And, if so, is he acting on his behalf or is he merely a tool of a frightened "establishment"? Meanwhile, John Coltrane, warrior and guardian of the spirits in that extremely free outpost of black culture, reviews his life in a harsh and poetic soliloquy. A reel slips into the Butoba MT5 tape recorder of Sonia Langmut, a young chronicler of the "new thing". And a cloud of memories, characters and smoke is unleashed in the ghostly solo of a sax.
Polyphonic investigation, detective plot, political jam session....read more