Nuevo mundo

Nuevo mundo - Miguel de Unamuno - Trotta
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Being actually an autobiography, New World is presented as the intimate biography until death or life of the soul of a supposed friend of Unamuno, Eugenio Rodero, built on an essay that the author assumes left him to die among other roles. Strong and rough, fast, hectic, maybe even aggressive, this novel is a profession of faith of a particular anarchism, transcendental philosophy, which Unamuno came through Stirner, Nietzsche, Bruno Willer ...; it is also an argument against dogmatism.

The original of this work remained unpublished and forgotten in the rectory of the University of Salamanca until 1992 Laureano Robles had access to it. It is the first time this is published autobiographical novel by Miguel de Unamuno fica, historical novel or a story in which novelad creates what he lived and becoming his own poetic everyday life.


Book: Nuevo mundo

ISBN: 9788481640090
Precio de lista: $415.00
Descuento: 25%