Organización familiar en la vida urbana

Un análisis de su impacto en el desarrollo en la infancia media

Organización familiar en la vida urbana -  AA.VV. - ITESO
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Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The family has undergone a profound transformation in its composition, as well as in the roles and responsibilities of its members, especially those who live in cities. The complexity of today's life, as well as the heterogeneity of families, whose characteristics include being headed by one or two parents, who may be of the same sex, or being headed by grandparents or some other relative, imply a series of problems in the forms of relationships and dynamics of interaction of its members, which affect the development of middle childhood. This book presents the results of extensive research that identifies the way in which contemporary family organization forms are assumed, in order to understand the implications that these new conditions represent in the lives of sons and daughters. Carried out by experts in different social disciplines, it had the support of diverse families and more


Book: Organización familiar en la vida urbana

ISBN: 9786078616978
Precio de lista: $400.00
Descuento: 10%