Pensar como pretexto y pre-textos para pensar

Aforismos, paradojas y reflexiones

Pensar como pretexto y pre-textos para pensar - Mijail Malishev - Plaza y Valdés
Publisher name: 
Plaza y Valdés
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 221.1 g
Soft cover

This book is an exercise in writing and short sentences: aphorisms, paradoxes and brief reflections. According to the author, the aphorism is a small text where the senses of the word, distanced by their origin and rarely conjugated in everyday speech, intersect and collide with each other.

The term aphorisms, by its Greek root, means to take something outside its horizon, the content of the word is something that goes beyond its own semantic horizon, which continues to be there in a paradoxical way.


Book: Pensar como pretexto y pre-textos para pensar

ISBN: 9789707224322
Precio de lista: $100.00
Descuento: 15%