1. This artifact is a splintered book, shredded into series.
2. Each typographic series configures a file or stand-alone book.
3. The series can be read separately: first
Baskerville, then Bodoni, Adobe Caslon Pro, Corbel, Eurostile.
4. Another possibility: let the chips speak with the subtle eloquence of the assembly.
(I always wanted to write an unlikely book, a book that never finished writing, a book always to come, remaking itself infinitely. Will this PERMANENT BLACK WORK [BETTER TITLE] be the unfinished work and at the same time impossible to conclude?).
Permanent black work hides and reveals the constant creation of a hidden book that circulates in the cellars of literary neglect as a ghost presence: the NI [TP] (acronym for the inexperienced Novel [Provisional title] that, as the case may also be m...read more