Podemos hacer mas. Otra forma de pensar el Derecho

Podemos hacer mas. Otra forma de pensar el Derecho - Manuel Atienza - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 221.1 g
Soft cover

The deep crisis facing the contemporary world also has a legal dimension. Law should not be a guardian to endorse growing social imbalances. Manuel Atienza proposes another way of thinking the Law. Although it is an essential component of social life, law is not part of the education of most citizens and is often considered to be an obstacle to social change. But in any project of social transformation it is necessary to have the law, that is, with a certain way of thinking and, consequently, to produce, interpret and apply the law. We can do more to provide a critical view of some of the legal-political problems that affect the citizens more directly today: globalization, freedom of expression, constitutional justice, evictions and judges, dignity of life and euthanasia . Far from any academicism, we can do more in depth in a debate that, in the case of Spain, is increasingly necessa...read more


Book: Podemos hacer mas. Otra forma de pensar el Derecho

ISBN: 9788494116223
Precio de lista: $455.00
Descuento: 25%