The work of Ernesto Cardenal (Granada, 1925) is located at the historical and aesthetic crossroads of a very relevant part of contemporary poetry. Since the 1950s, mimeographed copies of some of his epigrams began to circulate, his ability to connect with readers has been extraordinary: thus, Psalms, Prayer for Marilyn Monroe and other poems, the "Indian poems", Oracle on Managua, Cosmic Cantica or Telescope in the Dark Night have modified and expanded the possibilities of poetic diction in the Hispanic field.
In compiling the whole of his work, the Nicaraguan author has chosen to chart a route that opens in Epigrams and closes in the very recent Sons of the Stars, which includes the unpublished poems "We are in the firmament" and "With the door closed".
The present complete Poetry, published in permanent dialogue with Cardinal, thus allows us to warn various accents and more