Política salvaje

Política salvaje - Luis Tapia - Waldhuter
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Weight: 210 g
Soft cover

Politics has tended to identify itself with the institutions of the State, the actions of administration of power and political competition consists, in one of its trajectories, in the monopolization of political power and its organization based on formal and instrumental rationality. In another of their trajectories, they experience the struggles for the democratization of the State and the expansion of the principles of equality. State institutions have never managed to contain all political life, despite their practices of monopoly and the margins of democratization conquered or introduced in the machines of domination. This book thinks about the forms of political life that are experienced beyond the state, outside, below, against, in particular those that weaken and dissolve monopolistic and authoritarian forms of government, that is, wild politics. "

Category: All >> Social sciences >> Politics

Book: Política salvaje

ISBN: 9789872517878