Propiedad digital

La cultura en internet como objeto de cambio

Propiedad digital - Joan Ramos Toledano - Trotta
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 340 g

This book critically analyzes the legal institution of intellectual property, a concept widely spread and integrated into most current legal systems. It addresses the historical construction and scope of this figure and its relationship with the digitalized world, as well as its consequences in the international arena.
For this, the historical origin of intellectual property is examined, the technological field in which it has gained importance during the last years (computerization and internet) and its development and international expansion. All this with the intention of shedding light on the elements (on the authors and creators, the industry and the public) of a legal regulation that, in the final analysis, allows the appropriation of goods of cultural content and, therefore, the exclusion of other people of your enjoyment. The final chapter tries to answer the doubts and more


Book: Propiedad digital

ISBN: 9788498797534
Precio de lista: $920.00
Descuento: 25%