Psicodiagnóstico por la escritura

Grafoanálisis transaccional

Psicodiagnóstico por la escritura - Luz Puente Balsells - Herder
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 550 g
Rustic with flaps

The aim of this work is to provide a new means of diagnosing personality oriented from the point of view of post-Freudian psychology and graphoanalysis as proven by scientific graphology technique. From the diagnosis of classical types provided by the graphoanalysis regarding the temperament and character, the authors point to study the deepest part of the personality through one of the most advanced psychoanalytical typologies such as Transactional Analysis, which detects also reflected the elements of emotional intelligence in writing. With this practical manual and learn to appreciate the features of the spelling with an eminently pedagogical methodology for a complete and effective picture of trends, and behavioral predispositions of the individual modes. For its interdisciplinary approach is a useful tool not only for psychiatry, psychology, social anthropology and human more

Category: All >> Psychology >> Graphology

Book: Psicodiagnóstico por la escritura

ISBN: 9788425421129
Precio de lista: $1,130.00
Descuento: 30%