Psicoterapia de la Gestalt

Hermeneútica y clínica

Psicoterapia de la Gestalt - Margherita Spagnuolo - Gedisa
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Over fifty years ago there Gestalt psychotherapy and necessary questioning about problems, look very different, with which they are faced not only professionals psychotherapeutic clinic, but all those involved with culture in this third millennium. In the psychotherapeutic field the questions are: How can we heal the serious patients undergoing psychiatric institutions structures, when what matters is the integration of personality more than just social training? What therapeutic benefit can be drawn into the uncertainty of a momentary truth in the treatment of borderline and psychotic patient? What relational needs are manifested in behavior, sometimes as dramatic, teenagers today? With regard to social problems can ask: how can we apply in our "fragmented" society the gestalt concept, founded on the "coral" integration of individual expressions and their relationships? Does the more


Category: All >> Psychology >> Psychotherapy

Book: Psicoterapia de la Gestalt

ISBN: 9788474329735
Precio de lista: $495.00
Descuento: 20%