¿Qué hacer?

¿Qué hacer? - Louis Althusser - Pólvora Editorial
Publisher name: 
Pólvora Editorial
Year of publication: 
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To do? arises from an unpublished draft by Althusser, written to discuss the political thought of Gramsci, who became the flagship thinker of Eurocommunism in the mid-1970s. The discussion is framed under the auspices of the political question: what to do? The question conveys a concern that allows us to touch all the threads of the situation, from the way in which the class consciousness of a group of workers in the automobile industry can be heard - who symptomatically "know more (or less) than they they think they know" and "they don't know that they know" - to essential clarifications about Marxist theory as a tool to know a reality that is not contained or anticipated in it, but must be developed through a "concrete analysis of the concrete situation." ", that is, by virtue of the incessant transformation of that concrete that wants to be known, it must be reanalyzed in each case.


Book: ¿Qué hacer?

ISBN: 9789569441585
Precio de lista: $340.00
Descuento: 10%