In this volume are considered cases of study to exemplify how art discourse is constructed from disciplines such as Art History, Art Theory, Aesthetics, Art Criticism and how it engages with other disciplines such as Gender Studies , Postcolonial Studies, Ethnography, etc., from which different readings of the works are offered.
Érika G. Ruiz Vitela (coord.)
Adriana Yeyetzi Cardiel Pérez
Aura G. Garcia de la Cruz
Carolina Magis Weinberg
Flower of María Zarza Mandujano
Collection: Matters of art
Collection of essays to accompany the learning of the arts and their theoretical reflection
Ediciones Manivela presents Arte Affairs, a collection of eight volumes organized from questions, under which a set of essays and support materials is published.
Given the generality of the question, what is art? T...read more