Razón y conocimiento en Kant

Sobre los sentidos de lo inteligible y lo sensible

Razón y conocimiento en Kant - Luisa Posada Kubissa - Biblioteca Nueva
Publisher name: 
Biblioteca Nueva
Year of publication: 
Weight: 381 g
Soft cover

Reason and knowledge in Kant covers the path from the so-called pre-critical positions of Kantian philosophy to the deployment of critical reason. And he does so, above all, in the light of the senses that take shape on the sensible and the intelligible in the intellectual trajectory of this philosopher. From writings prior to 1770, the first systematizing effort in the Dissertatio of 1770 deserves special attention, where the key lines that will constellate critical thought are already prefigured. In this way, Kant's criticism is read here not as something that came out of nowhere, but as the internal fruit of an intellectual evolution. This study also includes an epilogue in which the revision of the Kantian philosophy of the sexes from feminist hermeneutics is critically considered. With this, one of the least treated and, therefore, least known aspects of the thought of this enlig...read more


Book: Razón y conocimiento en Kant

ISBN: 9788497428132
Precio de lista: $341.00
Descuento: 20%