Respirare. Caos y poesía

Respirare. Caos y poesía - Franco Berardi Bifo - Prometeo
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Soft cover

This is an essay on poetic therapy, because only poetry and its excess meaning can reactivate breathing amid the suffocation of chaos and the mandate of infosphere. Knowing how to breathe is what will help us during the apocalypse that has epped after decades of absolutism
Financial. Today power is based on abstract relationships of numerical entities, with finances that dance to the rhythm of algorithms and that maniate an extended precarious paralyzing the social mind: they prevent breathing.
"I can't breath" were Eric Garner's words before
he was strangled to death by The Staten Island Police in 2014, the same ones uttered by George Floyd in Minneapolis, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. These words define barbarism and capture the feeling of our time. How do we deal with chaos and suffocation? Poetry will be able to
cure the suffering of the minds of more

Category: All >> Literature >> Literary essay

Book: Respirare. Caos y poesía

ISBN: 9789878331416
Precio de lista: $295.00
Descuento: 15%