Rituales hititas

Entre la magia y el culto

Rituales hititas -  AA.VV. - Akal
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 481 g

Among the ancient Hittite documents in cuneiform writing, discovered in excavations in Asia Minor, those referring to their great religious celebrations and magical rituals have a specific weight. The study of this type of texts allows us to know a relevant part of the cultural background of this anatolic people of the second millennium BC, which became a political-military power in the ancient Near East, together with other secular powers with which it rivaled , like Egypt or Assyria. Beyond this, their culture and beliefs are largely reflected in this still poorly known magical-religious documentation. Thus, the initial presentation of this complex panorama, together with a subsequent selection, in commented translation, of the texts offered in this book - both the documents on seasonal state festivals and the rituals related to various aspects of becoming newspaper–, they represent...read more


Category: All >> Social sciences >> Anthropology

Book: Rituales hititas

ISBN: 9788446009450
Precio de lista: $780.00
Descuento: 20%